A Word to Wastewater Utility Customers

Thank you for doing your part! 

VAMWA Member utilities serve over 95% of the sewered population of Virginia.  If you are one of our Members’ customers, you are doing your part for clean water.

As a wastewater utility customer, the rates you pay support our clean water mission.  You have helped build, operate and maintain advanced wastewater treatment plants all across Virginia.  The benefits are tremendous.

While VAMWA Members are located statewide and deliver benefits statewide, widely available data about the Chesapeake Bay watershed illustrates our collective progress well.

From 1985 to 2009, Virginia’s nitrogen levels decreased 24% in total, with the wastewater sector leading the reductions (46% decrease).  Phosphorus decreased 37% in total, again with the wastewater sector leading the reductions (69% decrease).

This positive trend has actually accelerated over the past few years as shown in the following charts:


In fact, Virginia more than met its 2011 and 2013 nutrient reduction milestone goals established in conjunction with the U.S. EPA.

VAMWA is dedicated to the cause of clean water and will continue supporting sensible treatment programs and processes to that end, every day.

With your support, water quality in Virginia continues to improve.  While more work still needs to be done, you are helping to make a difference for clean water.  Thank you!