VAMWA is actively involved with state policy makers on every major water quality issue in Virginia critical to effective management of municipal wastewater treatment plants and collection systems, including:
- State Legislation and Appropriations
- State Clean Water Grant Funding & Low Interest Loans
- Water Quality Standards Development
- Water Quality Standards Implementation Policies
- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Policies
- Chesapeake Bay TMDL
- Nutrient Removal Technology Requirements
- VPDES Permitting Policies
- Nutrient Credit Trading Laws & Regulations
- Beneficial Reuse of Biosolids
- Beneficial Reuse of Reclaimed Water
- Industrial Pretreatment Programs
- Laboratory Certification
- Wastewater Collection System Polices
- Environmental Enforcement Policies
- Utility Rates and Charges
- Other Wastewater Utility Related Issues
VAMWA has made many positive contributions on the above policy issues over VAMWA’s nearly 25 year history. Here is more detail regarding just a few of these examples:
VPDES Discharge Permits – VAMWA has worked diligently over the years to help ensure that Virginia’s surface water discharge permit (VPDES) program is one of the most technically sound programs in the United States.
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Program – VAMWA’s advocacy led to the first-ever Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) and related Water Quality Standards refinement for the nation’s largest estuary as well as numerous improvements for permitting wastewater treatment plants.
Water Quality Improvement Fund Grants – VAMWA was a lead proponent of 1997 enabling legislation and, in the years since, has helped secure nearly $900 million in state grant funds for nutrient removal technology installation at wastewater treatment plants.
Nutrient Trading – VAMWA’s advocacy led to enabling legislation for nutrient credit trading (2005) and creation of the largest and most active water quality trading program in the United States, which has led to full compliance with stringent requirements at a significant savings.
Beneficial Reuse of Biosolids – VAMWA has collaborated with diverse stakeholders to gradually refine Virginia’s uniform statewide rules for recycling biosolids and to increase public acceptance in the process.